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Brown Cockatrice Egg (#104)

Owner: 0xcC8B…c5EF

Verse 1: The Theft in Shadows

In the dead of night 'neath the crescent moon's glow, A nest disturbed, where the wind softly blow. Taken from warmth, where once it did lay, Into the hands of greed, far away. The mother's cries pierce the somber night, As her precious jewel vanishes from sight.

Verse 2: On the Brink of Doom

Through markets obscure and dealings in shadow, The egg, it shimmered, a treasure most hallowed. Eyes filled with avarice, hearts cold as steel, Plotting in silence, its fate to seal. But destiny whispered, its guardians near, The Order's resolve, as strong as their spear.


In the garden's embrace, under moonlit grace, The Egg of the Cockatrice, in its sacred space. Guardians bold, with hearts so true, Around the clock, their vigil anew.

Whispers of power, secrets untold, Within this egg, mysteries unfold. Eternal Rose, keep safe the key, For the destiny that will be, in the magic we see.

Verse 3: The Valiant Rescue

From the grasp of evil, through courage and might, The Order of the Rose, took up the fight. Through shadow and peril, they carried you home, Across verdant fields and under the dome Of the Enchanted Garden, where peace reigns supreme, A sanctuary for all, a living dream.

Verse 4: Sanctuary Found

In the heart of the garden, where the eternal rose blooms, Amidst whispered secrets and perfumed perfumes. Here lies the egg, in the cradle of care, Beneath the watchful eyes, of those who dare To dream of a future, where magic is free, And the cycle of life, continues to be.


In the garden's embrace, under moonlit grace, The Egg of the Cockatrice, in its sacred space. Guardians bold, with hearts so true, Around the clock, their vigil anew.

Whispers of power, secrets untold, Within this egg, mysteries unfold. Eternal Rose, keep safe the key, For the destiny that will be, in the magic we see.

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