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Horned Phantasm Caligula of the Smell (#7005)

Owner: 0x712b…E85C

The Fey's green expanse stretched out as far as the eye could see, a verdant tapestry woven with the vibrant hues of wildflowers at its fringe where flora met the forest's embrace. Amidst this natural splendor, a Robyn danced on the air, flitting from tree to tree, its melody a joyful accompaniment to the display of colors below. It pursued a bright bee, darting from blossom to blossom, until it caught its prize midair and settled upon an outstretched, bony finger to feast.

Caligula, the horned phantasm, observed the Robyn with a curious gaze, an otherworldly presence amidst the beauty of the field, his ghost fox familiar by his side. With a sudden clasp of his hand, the Robyn vanished from sight, its essence consumed in a poof of feathers and a brief blaze of purple flame. For a moment, the Ring of Souls on Caligula's finger glowed a deep red before fading back to its dull sheen. Simultaneously, the apparition of the Robyn floated away, only to be swiftly devoured by Veil, the ghost fox, in one clean snap.

The horned phantasm and his cunning companion shared a chuckle, a sound that mingled with the whispers of the Fey and echoed off the trees. Together, they stepped forward into the deeper darkness of the Fey, their laughter trailing behind them like a lingering spell along the winding path.

Entered by: 0x712b…E85C

The air hummed with a charged tension, as if the very fabric of reality itself was being stretched thin. From an insignificant speck, a portal bloomed, its edges tinged with a deep violet hue that cast an otherworldly glow upon the surroundings. The heart of the portal pulsed, sending ripples cascading across its surface, mirroring the undulations of a disturbed lake. On the fringe of Goblin Town, a solitary figure emerged from the shadows— a goblin, his expression a mix of curiosity and awe. The violet illumination painted his rugged green skin in surreal shades, his dagger hanging loosely by his side, swaying gently with his movements. Drawn as if by an invisible thread, he edged closer, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle before him. Tentatively, he extended a hand, his fingertips barely grazing the portal's surface before retracting sharply, the unexpected chill a startling surprise. At that precise moment, an object materialized from the portal's depths—a flask, brimming with a dark, ominous liquid that exhaled plumes of sinister vapor. The goblin inhaled the noxious fumes, his body succumbing as he crumpled to the ground. From within the portal's wavering veil, a figure cloaked in shadows emerged—Caligula, his visage obscured behind a mask, his skeletal fingers reaching out to claim the fallen goblin, dragging him into the void. With a final flicker, the portal snapped shut, vanishing as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving behind a silence that swallowed the night whole.

Entered by: 0x712b…E85C