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Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands (#15515)

Owner: 0x7BB5…3E05

LORE-lights of remembrance everlasting

The tree fairies of the Emerald Forest celebrate the LORE at the first full moon in May. This event is away for them to remember their family and friends who have passed over the bridge of this life into the next.

Each fairy at sunset takes a lightning bug and puts it in the middle of a leaf from the tree their family is associated with. The leaf is gently set in the Chunky River and the bug floats downstream for a few minutes while lighting up. The river sparkles with these glowing bugs as they travel. The bugs understand their mission and take great pride in being selected to have this honor.

After a few minutes the bugs fly up towards the moon and it is believed that the wishes and thoughts from the fairies on the ground then travel up to the heavens for the loved ones to receive.

Many forest animals come to watch and often tilt their heads up towards heaven too in complete silence. They stay slightly back from the fairies and the river.

The Jadeites come to watch but sit high up in the trees in order to protect this sacred ritual. When the fireflies take flight these women blow over the tops of their palms to send up a few wishes and thoughts of their own.

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05

Canon for the Purple Loons of the Emerald Forest.

These majestic birds live only in a few areas. They can be found by Rabbit Lake and the northern parts of the Chunky River. There are only about forty known pairs of these birds in the wild. On the endangered species list they are listed as critical due to poaching. Their feathers are black with beautiful deep purple and bright green feathers mixed in.

Thirty years ago it became popular among the pirates living by the Red Wizard Capital to have one of these colorful feathers in their tricorn hats. Hired thieves were sent out to capture these birds and the population was almost wiped out.

Today warrior Kathleen and her group called the Jadeites protect these birds. It is not acceptable to be found owning a purple loon feather.

Lore from the Emerald Forest, told down from one generation to another mentions these birds and how they are known to bring harmony. They are not territorial with each other and if fact will often welcome new pairs. They get along well with all living things and have been called upon to settle arguments and disputes.

These loons mate for life and often take care of each other.

When one of the birds dies the entire flock will be summoned. Once all the purple loons have arrived a funeral ceremony takes place. The surviving partner will live the rest of its life alone.

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05