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Velox Attacker of Devils (#728)

Owner: 0xf8c4…2Cf8

Velox Attacker of Devils

Velox wandered the realm searching for adventure. He encountered Warrior #727. The two became fast friends, often competing against one another, always trying to outdo each other in increasingly outrageous competition.

They traveled the lands together, picking up worthy allies in Warrior #12950 and Warrior #12949.

The companions accepted a quest from the King of Kings.

Venture forth and vanquish the tyranny that lay in the depths of the demon lands.

The King said.

The four traveled to the gates of hell. They carried with them a magic artifact said to be crafted by Wizard #0 themself. The party made up their minds, steeled their will, and invaded the abyss.

They fought for 4 fortnites, slaying all demons that impeded their quest. Until they finally reached The Demon's layer.

Velox charged in with no fear. He exchanged blows with The Demon, buying time for Warrior #12949 to prepare. Suddenly, The Demon cast a dark spell, causing Velox to lose his sight and hearing. Velox was battered about by The Demon until Warrior #727 jumped to his aid.

As the demon fell the Rune of Fire was emblazoned upon Velox's mind.

When the party returned to the King's realm they were greeted with a fantastic celebration. The King rewarded the adventurers with a name.

From that day forth the party became known as...

Ruin Demon

Entered by: 0xf8c4…2Cf8 and preserved on chain (see transaction)