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Arcanist Gil of the Rock (#5833)

Owner: 0x7499…6568

Arcanist Gil of the Rock

When you grow up in the Elysian Fields, you quickly learn to avoid the tall grasses because the deadly green vipers are known to congregate in their shady, wispy ways.

Other children were taught to avoid these patches of dangerous grass, just as they were told never to stand behind an ornery pony that might suddenly kick your front teeth out (or worse). But Gil never got those warnings, he was always left to his own devices and wandered the plains with great abandon. Learning the language of the birds and the hypnotic ways of the vipers, he became a true Arcanist. One who could speak the hidden languages of the world and commune with forces beyond the mortal realm.

Entered by: 0x870a…847E and preserved on chain (see transaction)