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Artificer Angus of the Wood (#5837)

The Lore of Artificer Angus of the Wood

"Hey sir, you dropped something!" exclaimed Angus of the Wood, after watching a little bright object fumble down the long black dress of an unknown figure who was scurrying into the woods.

As this unknown entity dissapeared into the night, Angus let out a sigh and walked towards the dropped trinket. It was a flame.

These great wizards and powerful mages with their ancient artifacts and odd objects always annoyed Angus because the Secret Tower was constantly being swarmed by those with a curiosity for magic. It was not jealousy or envy that motivated this annoyance, but rather his employment. For the last eighty years, he has been the custodian and caretaker for the Secret Tower and he has been picking up the mess left behind by these visitors as well as all the various "rare" relics and "magic" trinkets they disown.

Walking back with the bright little flame in his left hand and some sort of Goblet of Immortality in his right hand, he just wanted to be in bed already.

Sometimes he wondered if these "rare" items were actually rare, because his Lost & Found storage was brimming with Solar Staves, Emerald Staves, World Eggs, some rainbown spell thing as well as oodles of playing cards; aces to be specific. Every time new wizards crossed the Secret Tower, they would be brandishing something like a Chroma Crystal or a fancy Golden Soul Reaper and they would speak of great stories and lore about their unique props, when in fact Angus had been curating a closet full of these items the last century or so.

He never used these items, nor did he ever have any interest in magic or politics at all. All he wanted was peace.

After cosing the door to the basement of the Secret Tower, he was ready to hit the sack and relax as he walked towards his Lost & Found closet. As for the flame, he just casually tossed it into the Sacred Flame as he always did with any artifacts containing fire elements he came across.

As he was opening the closet's door, he saw wild shadows from the Sacred Flame dancing around him. Odd, what's going on? he thought.

Turning his head, he realized it was too late and this was the end of his journey. There was already an eveloppe of magma surrounding him and closing in to engulf him.

"Wat" was the only sound he could mutter before being eaten by the flames. He saw nothing but light for a few seconds, then nothing but darkness...

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