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Illusionist Wolfram of Arcadia (#6842)

Owner: 0x1a76…0064

Everything Is Magic, And Not As It Seems

Illusionist Wolfram of Arcadia is neither good, nor evil. Always remember this.


Illusionist Wolfram of Arcadia is one of the most powerful and devastating wizards in all of the Runiverse. He has perfected the craft of being an Illusionist, able to blur the lines between reality and deception.

He has gone beyond the regular levels of illusion—as he is able to turn illusions into reality, making him one of the most feared wizards in the Runiverse.

Not only does he possess the grand powers of illusion—he can also fly and shoulder insane levels of strength not normal for wizards in the Runiverse.

Truth be told, Wolfram sacrificed everything to become the great Illusionist and wizard that he is today.

Part of it is hard work—all those sleepless nights studying and practicing magic. Young Wolfram never missed a day of practice and training.

He graduated with honors and set and broke almost all records in Arcadia's School of Wizards (ASW). He accomplished all of this with his familiar Blossom by his side—a ladybug that can transform into anything Wolfram wants it to.

The other part of his greatness, is likely DNA—while not knowing who his actual birth parents are, rumors are that he is a child of a god in the Runiverse. Growing up, his mana was too powerful beyond what mere mortal Wizards could possess. There is currently no evidence of this, but the townspeople had no other way to explain such kind of power that everyone just assumed that Wolfram was a son of a 'god'.

As such, most people acted cautious and mostly in fear when speaking with him—afraid to offend or say something that Wolfram didn't like. Better safe than sorry, they say.

Luckily, talent did indeed work hard and Wolfram was able to become an absolute force of a wizard. He helps those who are in need, often being the savior of the common townfolk from small to big needs.

He once helped grant a dying child's wish and transformed the entire hospital to a theme park full of fun rides, popcorn, ice cream, balloons and clowns... Just to give the child one final chance at happiness.

Wolfram also temporarily converted the Kobold's Crossing into a Vampyre Mist-esque looking area, with summoned Forgotten Souls and other evil creatures out and about. He did this to scare away mischievous Kobolds who have been causing a lot of trouble in the area.

Wolfram also once shape-shifted into the persona of one king in the Runiverse, just so he could have sexual relations with the queen, who he has been admiring from afar for years.

Oh—and he also murdered the actual king just so he could continue this ruse for months, until he got bored of the queen and put her in an endless illusion loop in her head—causing her to be declared clinically insane by the Druids.

When he was completely done with this kingdom, he turned every single crop, poultry, and fish into red roses—completely devastating the livelihoods of the townspeople and causing famine that lasted for several months.

Illusionist Wolfram of Arcadia has countless encounters and moments of greatness.

But remember... He is neither good, nor evil.

He believes that everything he does is what's right and needed.

And to end this chapter, you must know one more thing about the great Wolfram...

Arcadia, however beautiful it is to the naked eye, is only because it is what Wolfram wants you to see. Is Arcadia no longer the beautiful and majestic place it once was? Is everything now just a grand illusion that Wolfram set to cover for the reality of it all?

We don't know for certain. But the Arcadia you see now, is most definitely one of Illusionist Wolfram's greatest masterpiece.

Will we one day learn the truth?

Or maybe, just maybe... everything is magic and not as it seems.

Stay tuned for more tales about Wizard #6842.

Entered by: 0x1a76…0064