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Summoner Peppy of Tartarus (#9910)

Owner: 0x712b…E85C

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Peppy of Tartarus Let all Blue Wizards suffer for their arrogance and mockery of the Kobold Horde. We were content and happy in the caverns of Quazar, with the horde working the gem mines and enjoying the mud pits. The desecration of our sacred homes by the Blue Wizard scum can no longer be tolerated. Stealing our precious gems and slaying our brothers. I Peppy of Tartarus, declare no Blue Wizard safe, even in the stone walls of their Bastion. Let this crucifixion at the kobold crossroad be a warning of the punishment to come.

As the sun began to set, casting an eerie glow across the kobold crossroad, Peppy of Tartarus stood tall, his eyes blazing with determination. The crucifixion he had ordered was a grim testament to the fury of the Kobold Horde and their resolve to avenge their desecrated homes. The lifeless bodies of Blue Wizards hung from wooden posts, a macabre display that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to pass. Word of the Kobold Crusade had spread far and wide, reaching the ears of every Blue Wizard in the land. Fear gripped their hearts as they realized the consequences of their arrogance and mockery. No longer could they dismiss the Kobold Horde as mere pests to be swatted away. They were about to face a reckoning they could not escape. Peppy's rallying cry had united the horde like never before. Every kobold, from the youngest hatchling to the oldest elder, had taken up arms. They sharpened their claws, polished their stolen swords, and prepared for battle. Their resolve burned as fiercely as the fire that coursed through their veins. Under the cover of darkness, the Kobold Horde advanced towards the Blue Wizard's Bastion. Their movements were swift and silent, as if the shadows themselves were guiding their every step. Peppy led the charge, his small frame filled with an unwavering determination that seemed to defy his size. As the kobolds approached the Bastion, they unleashed their fury upon its walls. Wave after wave of relentless attacks rained down upon the Blue Wizards' stronghold. The horde used their intimate knowledge of the tunnels and secret passages to infiltrate the fortress, striking from within like vengeful specters. The Blue Wizards fought back valiantly, their powerful spells and incantations casting flames and lightning upon the horde. But the kobolds were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. They swarmed the wizards, overwhelming them with sheer determination and ferocity. Peppy, guided by a burning desire for justice, sought out the Blue Wizard leader. He traversed the labyrinthine halls of the Bastion, dodging spells and traps, until he finally stood before the figurehead of their tormentors. With a snarl upon his lips and fury in his eyes, Peppy lunged at the Blue Wizard. Claws clashed against magical shields, and fiery breath met icy blasts. The battle between the kobold and the wizard was a clash of wills, a testament to the power of both sides. But just as Peppy was about to strike the final blow, the wizards ring glowed red, revealing the true nature of the Blue Wizard leader. It was Caligula of the Smell, a notorious shape-shifter and master of deception. The realization hit Peppy like a lightning bolt, but before he could react, Caligula opened a purple portal and stepped into it, escaping with a wicked cackle. Uttering the final words, " "I am indebted to you, small kobold. The Brown Wizards shall next taste my wrath." Caligula disappeared from sight, leaving Peppy standing there, stunned and enraged. The victory he had fought so hard for seemed within his grasp, only to slip away at the last moment. The Bastion fell silent, its halls stained with the blood of both kobolds and wizards alike. With their leader gone, the remaining Blue Wizards surrendered to the victorious Kobold Horde. Peppy, now fueled by a burning desire for vengeance, vowed to hunt down Caligula and put an end to his wicked games once and for all. And so, the legacy of Peppy of Tartarus and the Kobold Crusade took an unexpected turn. Their vengeance served as a lesson to those who underestimated the power of the seemingly insignificant Kobolds but their ultimate triumph was still to be achieved.

Entered by: 0x712b…E85C

I embrace the darkness

Entered by: 0x712b…E85C