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Nicolas Shark of the Trail (#931)

Owner: 0x9bcD…6fcf

Nicolas, Shark of the Trail

Nicolas is a warrior who is known for his steadfast dedication towards being renowned as the most successful adventurer and warrior in the lands of the Runiverse.

An Orphan of Cataclysmic Circumstance

Nicolas was born in the Cinnbar hills. His family was owned an armory in the area, which is where Nicolas first got a taste of adventure and combat-skills from the various customers who would provide business for his family. Though he was never in a real fight before the event of the separation of his parents, the child knew how to swing a sword. His desire only grew as he befriended and listened to thee stories of the customers his family provided for.

One faithful night, during the events of Technological Sinigularity, Nicolas was awoken suddenly at night. In what felt like a dream, it's as if he got pulled through time and space.

The Shark's Trail Begins

Awoken in what seemed like a jungle at the top of a ancient temple covered in moss and vine, Nicolas was alone for the first time in his life at the age of 12. He clawed at the agonizing pain on his back left shoulder, but could not find what the issue was. When he touched the spot, it caused a force to rush through his body that made him feel like he was going to implode. Ragged, disoriented and shell-shocked, Nicolas remembered one of the first 'rules of the trail' (what the traveling adventurers referred to as a sort-of word-of-mouth guide to survival). He began to seek food and water to sustain himself while he remained alive.

He found an oasis near the overgrown temples he awoke at. Peering into the water, he was able to see a reflection of himself. His skin was tinged a bit tanner like it had been during the summers at the shores nearest Cinnbar. He quickly turned to try and investigate the the painful spot on his shoulder. He witnessed a white mark of his homeland, Cinnabar, that had been emboldened into his shoulder. Perplexed at the existence of the rune with no markings of swelling or blood, Nicolas ignored it and began to drink. A few gulps in, his vision began to alter. 'Not again..' he muttered as he fell back. In his last seconds of consciousness he noticed some older men, adorned in robes of green laughing as though they were making fun of him. Confused as to why his shoulder didn't hurt when he fell on his back, he passed out.

Entered by: 0x9bcD…6fcf